My dear baby, it is you!
5 months old in my womb.. :) Hmmmm.. taktergambar rasanyer perasaan biler dapat melihat keadaan anak sendiri di dalam kandungan.Masih tergambar lagi dlm fikiran reaksi abang biler kami mula2 scan baby..Riak muka abang yang sangat gembira, tersenyum kesyukuran.. Indah nya perasaan kami masa tu..terasa seperti lambat masa berlalu.tak sabar rasanyer ingin menyentuh bayi yang cume boleh di lihat melalui skrin doktor... :D
Masa ni, baby's formation is almost completed. and Dr.Zaini said that you are a *****! uppss.. sory, I just cant announce it rite now...we have made an aggreement to keep it with ourselve, secretly.shhhhhh.....
Nanti biler baby dah lahir, baru kite bagitau if the doctor's prediction is correct or not! agree??
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