Lepas pg rumah Auntie Linda, we shooted back to Shah alam sbb Mama+ babah's fren, Auntie Ijan and family dtg dr Melaka..At the same time, we lepak jugak dgn Babah's good fren, Uncle Jamil n fiancee.we chit-chatting there sampai petang.best!
And for that day, Ini je gambar yg mama sempat snap..

Sementara tunggu Uncle Jamil N auntie Hafsa sampai kat Kedai Kopi, we posing2 dulu la kat taman Tasik tu..
Our small lovely family... ;)
Okay..pose Mia..Pose... ~ lidah jgn kuar ~ ..hee...
Haa..mcm ni lah.... love this pic very much!
Love this pic juge...
Shape of My Heart..

Mia with her blank expression... letih jln2 eh? cian...

Mia with her blank expression... letih jln2 eh? cian...
This is Ijan family.Sonok sgt dapat jumper Ijan - my beloved.best fren.ever- and baby syikin yg da makin montel and oso Man ( yg da gelap sbb training polis lama sgt.hehehe...) tq sbb sudi turun dr Malacca.
Masa lepak dgn auntie Ijan's family, Mia pun hepi sgt sbb dpt jumper uncle jamil and auntie Hafsah ( ala...mama luper lak snap gambar dorang...) yg happening..hehehe.. nanti we all lepak'ing lagi ramai2 eh.
Next week banyaaaak lg Raya's open House and Depavali's Open House. Nnt kiter sambung lg k kat Open House 2 ( wah...sakan.siap ader siri lagi...huhuhu!)
lallalalala....cumei nye mia...
hehehe..TQ auntie Ila...ngeee
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