First week: balik sebab bawak abah a.k.a Tok Wan Mia pegi tengok kereta. Since tiba-tiba abah cakap nak tukar kereta sebab dah tak larat nak drive manual-car at his golden age, we anak-anak mmg lah sangat bersetuju. In fact, pernah suggest kat dia dulu, to just tukar the car but he refused it..'sayang..' katanya.
After couples of visit held at used car in Segamat, he found that non-of-the displayed-car suites his need. so, cancel.
And me, as the gatal-tangan daugther as usual , surfed thru the net @ and found one handsome car to be owned, located in Kuantan. As my supporting-hubby is kind of super familiar with the town, we're officially nominated as a tour guide to my parent and bring them to the used car dealer. and there.
hmm puas hati!
Enjin senyap dan tak gegar langsung.
mileage sgt sikit.
condition sgt tip top
Dont have even a single scratch.
Spare tyre? hmm...masih berbuku.belum pernah di usik.
ada kesan accident? nope..nope..nope..
So, apa lagi? sambar saja lah.
It tooks a week for all processing thingy.
gedebak -gedebuk...
On last Friday eve, Abah called and inform that loan was approved!
Cepat2 saya call hubby and spread out the news. Secepat itu jugak saya terus pack all my belonging, switch of PC and took my way home.Malam itu, balik kampung lagi,sebab esok kena bawa abah ambil kereta and abah siang-siang lagi dah minta hubby ada on that day untuk tolong tengok-tengok kan kereta tu.
So, here we goes! the second week of another balik kampung trip! yeay!!
Pagi-pagi lagi, we terus zoom ke Kuantan dan took away the car.
Ni lah rupe kereta-idaman-hati abah. Semoga beliau gembira dan berpuas hati.
Happy driving abah! no rempit2 ye.. :P

Tp bole ke abh nye tak merempit. ex mat rempit tu
uiks????ko baca blog ni ker? uuu malu nyew....
bapak aku tu..hmm boleh tahan gak rempit nyer tau!hihihi
hmm c u esok @kemensah ye.. :P
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